Wednesday 27 May 2015

McDonald's Black and White Burger

Food For Thought went on vacation for three weeks, traveling halfway around the world to try out some of the best local and exotics restaurants in South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.  Some of the places I went to had been up and running for almost 50 years and despite everything else surrounding them, they were still alive and kicking and serving some of their best dishes to fellow locals and to the many tourists that venture into their place on a daily basis. 

Having said that, the first items I wish to speak about has nothing to do with the local restaurants.  It’s actually this limited edition, short time only, Black and White Burger from McDonald’s.  Normally I would never talk about anything from a fast food restaurant, however this unique burger that has only been seen in the Hong Kong as far as I know is something that I think could really become a reality over in North America for years to come. 

The buns themselves don't taste any different from one another.  I think it's more of a gimmick to attract what's in the middle instead.  The black burger had white sesames on top of them while the white burger had black sesames.  The black burger basically consisted of a beef patty wrapped with bacon and had mashed potatoes in the middle while the white burger consisted of a bacon wrapped chicken patty with mashed potatoes placed inside of that.  Each burger also contained various amounts of lettuce.  

Where the major difference between to two lied was the different types of sauce that was mixed with the patties.  The black burger had truffle sauce mixed with the ingredients while the white burger had this mushroom sauce spread throughout the patty.  The white burger itself tasted like a McChicken burger with the mushroom sauce enhance the overall flavor of the burger.  Having said that, I actually thought the black burger actually tasted better.  The beef and the bacon combination actually blended itself very well and the few sprinkles of truffle sauce really brought out the flavor of the overall burger.  Furthermore, I thought the mashed potatoes provided better taste and was a better compliment to the black burger relative to the white burger.  Price wise they were both the same and actually were more or less the same price as a regular Big Mac sandwich.

I think what it really boiled down to in the end was whether one likes beef or chicken more.  The black burger tasted like that there was more substance to it compared to the white burger.  If you are in the Hong Kong area, I advice you to go in and give a try.  I have not seen in North America nor any of the other countries that I had visited while I was in Asia.  Overall, I give the black burger a 3.75 out of 5 while the white burger a 3.25 out of 5.  Following today, the next three entries will be on some of the more local restaurants in South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. 

Hong Kong McDonald's 

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